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Art Stage Osaka 2024 -World Art Exhibition

展覧会 Art Stage Osaka 2024 -World Art Exhibition



Emo de Medeiros (Benin), Abdul Zainidi (Brunei), Kavich Neang (Cambodia), Calderon & Pineros (Colombia), Fredy Solan (El Salvador), Saodat Ismailova (France), Kamiran Betasi (Iran), Milko Delgado (Panama), Li Lin Wee (Singapore), Vera Blanch (Ukraine)

Art Stage Osaka 2024 -World Art ExhibitionArt Stage Osaka 2024 -World Art ExhibitionArt Stage Osaka 2024 -World Art Exhibition

展覧会 欲しいものは全て地球の裏側にあった オープンいたします。







オンライントーク 欲しいものはみんな地球の裏側にあった

欲しいものはみんな地球の裏側にあった 1:

12月2日 2020 (水) 午後9時から
会場: Zoom
ID: 952 6802 5064
PIN: 559920

  1. 展覧会のバーチャル空間を歩きながら、作品紹介
  2. アーティストトーク

欲しいものはみんな地球の裏側にあった 2:

12月3日(木) 午後10時より
会場: Zoom
ID: 914 9406 9663
Pin: 633526

  1. 展覧会紹介
  2. アーティストトーク

Film still from Kota Takeuchi, Blind Bombing Filmed by a Bat, 2019

Film still from Kota Takeuchi, Blind Bombing Filmed by a Bat, 2019

Oscar Cueto, Domestic Affairs, 2015-2018

Oscar Cueto, Domestic Affairs, 2015-2018

Zheng Yuan, Dream Delivery 2018

Zheng Yuan, Dream Delivery 2018

Video still, Pan Lu and Bo Wang , Miasma, Plants, Export Paintings, Color, sound, 28’00”, 2017

Video still, Pan Lu and Bo Wang , Miasma, Plants, Export Paintings, Color, sound, 28’00”, 2017

Lisl Ponger, The Japanese from Xenographic Views, B & W photo, 1995

Lisl Ponger, The Japanese from Xenographic Views, B & W photo, 1995

欲しいものはみんな地球の裏側にあった オーストリア、ウィーンでの展覧会

Franz Josefs Kai 3
1010 Wien,Austria
+43 1 711 33 2007
日程:2020年11月12日 – (窓越しのみバージョン)

アーティスト: 荒木悠, Oscar Cueto, 百武晢吾, キュンチョメ, まつねみちかず, 丹羽良徳, Lisl Ponger, Almut Rink, 下道基行, 竹内公太, Kay Walkowiak, Pan Lu and Bo Wang, Zheng Yuan



助成、協力:ポーラ美術振興財団、フランツ・ジョセフ・カイ3、ハウスマニンガー夫妻、AIL 応用美術大学イノベーションラボ、BKAオーストリア・フェデラル・チャンスリー、カディスト財団、パリ、MIACA






AIL: http://www.ailab.at/upcoming/everything-youve-ever-wanted-is-on-the-other-side-of-the-planet-after-150-years-of-diplomatic-relations-between-austria-and-japan/
Facebook // Instagram

Information of the artists and exhibition in details:


Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Still Images (from the top):
Sun Xun,
Finger Pointing Worker,
Nguyen Trinh Thi,
Wong Ping,
Ellen Pau,
Ho Rui An,
Kyun Chome
Hikaru Fujii
Courtesy of images by artist

インヴィジブル・シティズ 〜アジアの映像作品

ミアカはクロウ・アジア美術館とダラス・コンテンポラリー(ダラス、テキサス)と共同で、展覧会、パフォーマンス、レクチャー、トーク、上映会、ワークショップの大規模なプロジェクト インヴィジブル・シティズ を開催します。近年発展目覚ましいアジア各国の映像作品を中心に、ダラスの2箇所のアートセンターと美術館にて様々な角度から作品を展示、上映、紹介いたします。 シンガポールからホー・ツー・ニェン、ホー・ルイアン、ミャンマーからモエ・サット、香港からカム・インサイド、日本からチム↑ポム、イギリスからキュレーターのジェイソン・ウェイトらにより、現地でシンポジウムやトークが行われます。

Dallas Contemporary Crow Museum of Asian Collection


キュレーター:ジャクリーン・チャオ(アジア美術館)、リリア・クデラ(ダラス・コンテンポラリー)、長谷川仁美 (MIACA)

Invisible Cities Full Programs

6pm Sept. 28, 2017 – Invisible Cities exhibition opening reception at Dallas Contemporary

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Sept. 28 – Dec. 17, 2017
Chim↑Pom solo exhibition Non-Burnable

Responding instinctively to contemporary events, Chim↑Pom continuously creates works that intervene in society with strong social messages. Their exhibition Non-Burnable, part of the Invisible Cities project, spotlights the decade-long artistic career of the Tokyo-based collective. In their multidisciplinary practice, the artists examine themes of inheritance, survival, and co-existence by responding to environmental and political circumstances.

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Sept. 28 – Oct. 22, 2017
Screening Program: Body and Memory
“...the people who move through the streets are all strangers. At each encounter, they imagine a thousand things about one another; meetings which could take place between them, conversations, surprises, caresses, bites. But no one greets anyone; eyes lock for a second, then dart away, seeking other eyes, never stopping…”
 (Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities 1972)

Featuring works by Martha Atienza, Hikaru Fujii, Lim Minouk, Ho Tzu Nyen, Wong Ping, Taiki Sakpisit, Nguyen Trinh Thi

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Sept. 28 – Oct. 15, 2017 – Moe Satt “Hands Around In Yangon” installation on view at the Crow Collection of Asian Art, Flora street windows

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Sept. 30, at 2 pm – Chit chat with Chim↑Pom collective about their exhibition at Dallas Contemporary moderated by Jason Waite, independent curator, and Lilia Kudelia, Dallas Contemporary Assistant Curator
***Free admission

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Oct. 14, at 11:30-12:30 the Artist 2 Artist Brunch
Brunch and workshop together with the Invisible Cities artists, curators!

Oct. 14, at 1 pm – 6 pm Invisible Cities Forum at the Crow Collection of Asian Art, Grand Gallery, and Crow Collection Annex + Art District Dallas
Will feature an exclusive screening and talk by Ho Tzu Nyen, performances by Moe Satt, Ho Rui An and Come Inside, and a panel discussion with the Invisible Cities curators.
The Invisible Cities Forum is an exhibition in the form of an all-day gathering that will feature lectures, performances, and lively discussions that will underscore current practices and initiatives in the moving image art of Asia. This forum will feature an exclusive screening and talk by Ho Tzu Nyen, live performances and Q&As with Moe Satt, Ho Rui An, and Come Inside, and a panel discussion led by the Invisible Cities curators.
Flier download;

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images
Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Oct. 17 – Oct. 29 – Ming Wong “After Chinatown” installation on view at the Crow Collection of Asian Art, Flora street windows

Oct. 24 from 6:30-8:30 pm – Exclusive screening of Nguyen Trinh Thi’s short films Letters from Panduranga (2015) and Vietnam The Movie (2016) at the Crow Collection of Asian Art, Grand Gallery
***Free admission for Members of the Crow Collection of Asian Art and Dallas Contemporary. Seating is limited.

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Oct. 24 – Nov. 19 – Invisible Cities exhibition at Dallas Contemporary
Screening Program: City Landscapes
“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.”
 (Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities 1972)

Featuring works by Yu Araki, Leung Chi Wo, Kai-Chun Chiang, Ellen Pau, Moe Satt, Zhou Tao, Sun Xun

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

Nov. 21 – Dec. 17 – Invisible Cities exhibition at Dallas Contemporary
Screening Program: Fukushima
“The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognise who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space.”  
 (Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities 1972)

Featuring works by Kyun Chome, Bontaro Dokuyama, Chim↑Pom, Momoko Seto, Tadasu Takamine, Finger Pointing Worker + Kota Takeuchi (editor)

Invisible Cities -Asian Moving Images

EXscreen 15

EXscreen 15



2017年8月12日 土曜日 午後8時より
ロウアートスペース:Raw Art Space No8, 4F, Japan Panggong, 50150 Kuala Lumpur
Admission:suggested donation RM10

EXscreen 15EXscreen 15EXscreen 15

KNOCK – Videos and films on the genealogy of socially engaged art in Asia

MIACA is delighted to present the project KNOCK explores the genealogy of socially engaged art and social practice in Asia, focusing on film and video art. KNOCK includes both historical films that deal with society, and contemporary community-based art videos and artists’ documentaries that explore the seeds of today’s social practice.

Date of screening: 30th August to 8th October, 2017
Symposium: 2nd September, 2017
Venue: MMCA Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

Artists/filmmakers: Chen Chie-Jen, Fujiko Nakaya, Hakudo Kobayashi, Chang Chao Tang, Chim Pom, Li Binyuan, KyunChome, Moe Satt, Yau Ching and others.

More details will follow!

Courtesy of Futoshi Miyagi
Courtesy of Wee Li Lin
Courtesy of Nguyen Trinh Thi

Nightlight Screening in Basel, Switzerland

MIACA is proud to present The Nightlight Screenings second edition with WHITE FRAME (Switzerland) exploring recent works from Swiss and international artists. This initiative aims to draw a more focused attention to video art and art film works to a broader public and to simultaneously foster international exchanges for our Swiss productions. Participating artist include;

Li Xiaofei,
Futoshi Miyagi,
Aya Momose,
Wong Ping,
Nguyen Trinh Thi,
Wee Li Lin and Charles Lim, and
Kavich Neang.

Date: 25 August 2017
Time: 20:00–23:00
Venue: Garden of the Christoph Merian Foundation, St. Alban-Vorstadt 5, Basel, Switzerland

Hazy Sundays; Love Man Love Woman by Nguyen Trinh Thi

Hazy Sundays; Love Man Love Woman by Nguyen Trinh Thi

【日時】24th July, 2016 17:00
【場所】Connecting Space, 18-20 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong

香港のコネクティング・スペースにて、グェン・トリン・ティーのLove Man Love Womanの上映を行いました。ご来場のみなさま、ありがとうございました!

Lecture Curating Art After New Media Hong Kong

【日時】18-22 May, 2016 2pm-
【場所】MIACA, Chai Wan


Yu Araki at The 60th BFI London Film Festival

【日時】Sep., 2015
【場所】British Film Institute, London, UK

第60回ロンドンフィルムフェスティバルで、荒木悠さんのAngelo Livesが上映されることになりました!おめでとう!


Asian Film and Vide Art Forum

【日時】2015 Sep. 9th to Oct. 31st
【場所】National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) Seoul, Korea


Gender, Genitor, Genitalia -Rokudenashiko Tribute exhibition

【日時】Opening:On 29th Aug. 2015
Exhibition: 29th August 2015 to 20th September 2015
【場所】Woofer Ten  活化廳,
404, Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Lecture “After Fukushima -Young Japanese artists”

【日時】Aug 22nd 2015
【場所】Hong Kong Arts Center, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

オルタ、河口遥、竹内公太、キュンチョメ、ジャポニカ、百瀬文、飯山由貴、下道基行、遠藤麻衣、Chim Pom

And The Story Goes

【日時】14th Mar (Sat) 2015, 18:30-20:30,
【場所】WING | Platform for Performance
21/F, Unit 2102, Chai Wan Industrial City Phase II
70 Wing Tai Road, Chai Wan, HONG KONG


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